Get real freedom and success without screwing other or the planet



7a43910521b232600be2f487e557edacChromotherapy studies the impact of color and light in life, created by a real scientist and genius philosopher Johann Wolfgang Goethe, with the idea of bringing ways to be more healthy, sun rays reflect in form of rainbow colors, our world interacts with the 4 elements, as a result we have physical life forms in color, they contribute to nourish  our physical body and soul (soul MEANS IN REAL SCIENCE, memory we accumulate from life and events) in nature colors are needed to grow seeds into vegetables, trees and plants, nature and eco-systems, are a fundamental part of our world, if we destroy this, LIFE AS WE KNOW, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE, in our polluted environment, pretty soon, people will be forced to feed only from ORGANIC VEGETABLES and consumption of RENEWABLE ENERGIES, even carnivorous people or animals feed from beings that alive, ate vegetables and plants, orthodox education, it is really limited because they studied the symptom in books while real learning, it is mostly by practicing what you are studying in real life and adding natural healing and not ACTUAL DRUGS THAT HEAL THE SYMTHOM AND MAKE YOU SICK FROM SIDE EFFECTS, THE TRUTH IS THAT ALL ACTUAL CORRUPTED SOCIETIES, ARE INTERESTED ONLY IN HOW MUCH THEY GAIN AT THE COST OF DESTROYING LIFE ITSELF, to learn real science (music when played  gives you color in its notes, music helps also to become a better being, but chose wise your music, I can’t live without music, as in everything, there is high vibration music as low robotic music that can control your mind, propaganda and visual publicity as well as music, are part of evil systems) if you are weak in your mind and function by means of input from the outside world, VANITY AND EGOCENTRIC BEHAVIOUR BECOME YOUR DAILY LIFE, IGNORANCE CAN COME IN MANY DISGUISES AS POLITICS, SCIENCE, RELIGION AND FASHION, they make of YOU A SLAVE, your OUTSIDE INPUT, should be high vibration as Roger Waters, Mozart, Native music with drums and mantras, anything that provides you JOY AND HAPPINESS RESPECTING ALL LIFE, makes you become a better human being and as a result, YOU WONT GET SICK OR LIVE AN EMPTY LIFE, all what we know and learn, are only TOOLS TO WAKE UP FOR GOOD OR FOR EVIL, ONCE BEING CENTERED IN YOUR OWN KNOWING, NOTHING CAN´T DESTROY YOU, wake up from a robot society to  LIVE REAL LIFE RESPECTING NATURE AND OTHERS AND SETTING YOU OUT OF GLOBAL SLAVERY, John Lennon, Paco de Lucia, Elvis Presley and so many other great musicians, WERE ASSASSINATED BY THE CIA OR ILLUMINATI FUCKERS THAT ARE DESTINED TO BE DELETED FROM ANY LIFE FORM, they think, they control the world, the think, they are rich and famous, but they don´t know, THINKING, IT´S ONLY A PROGRAMMED MIND, SET TO BE DESTROYED BY THEIR EVIL ACTS, FEELING WHAT YOU ARE CREATING WITH YOUR ACTS AND DEEDS, IT IS YOUR SALVATION IF YOU DO IT 4 LIFE, ACTUAL IGNORANT ILLUMINATI OR NOT GOVERNMENTS AND ECONOMIC SOCIETIES, BASED OF FAKE MONEY THAT DOESN´T EXISTS, GOES STRAIT TO HELL OR NOT EXISTENCE, THOSE THAT WILL PREVAILED, ARE CONSCIOUS AND COMPASSIONATE BEINGS THAT WORK 4 LIFE, IGNORANT ASSES, HAVE NOTHING BUT SHIT BETWEEN THEIR LEGS, ALL THEIR EVIL DESTRUCTION AS FUKUSHIMA, CHEMTRAILS, ETC., IT´S TURNING AGAINST THEM TO WIPE THEM UP FROM EXISTENCE 4EVER, SOBEITSOITIS “The Wall  says it all when they sing “We don’t need no education, WE DON’T NEED NO SET CONTROL, teacher leave the kids alone”

To me, Fire is the ultimate creator, heat and light are essentials to survive here on Earth (absence of heat give us cold) we need total blackness for a seed to grow, either it´s a plant, animal or baby, they need to be under the grown to grow or in their mother’s womb or egg or in the pouch as marsupials to keep their babies alive, I have a documentary from BBC where scientists discovered a Dragon remains and found also eggs, in high altitude, it reigns cold, so Dragon parents had to keep  warm the egg constantly to a certain temperature, too cold no good to hot the baby could die.

I studied a workshop on Chromotherapy in the 90’s and let me tell you that this saved my life from 2003 till now, after years of research, I came to the conclusion that I had Radiation because years before I been exposed to radiation left by UFO’s and also I was attacked in 2009 by Nano and Laser Jesuit Military technology  at their service given by extraterrestrial holographic not incarnated entities, it doesn´t matter that you call them reptilians, Illuminati or mason, the fact it is that these fuckers are actual bone and flesh humanoids that had evil plans 4 planet earth, not knowing that they are the FIRST TO BE ELIMINATED, AGENDAS TO ELIMINATE 70% OF HUMANS BY MEANS OF KILLING NATURE AND ANIMALS, SURPRISE, ALL THESE BASTARD ALONG WITH THEIR POPPETS HERE ON EARTH, ARE HISTORY OR THEIR FATE, DELETED FROM ANY LIFE FORM, SOBEITSOITIS.

I am an Art Painter, Healer, Lecturer, Environment Activist, MY PRIORITY SINCE I WAS BORN, IT IS TO MAKE YOU CONSCIOUS THAT YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM BECAUSE YOU CONTRIBUTE TO POLLUTION BY CONSUMING NOT BIODEGRADABLE GOODS AND SERVICES, YOU SUPPORT EVIL MONOPOLIES, POLITICIANS AND RELIGION THAT WERE INVENTED TO FUCK YOU UP, time is running OUT and we have to stop polluting the planet, sustainable energies, foods and natural medication should be in Hospitals and should be prescribed by Doctors if needed and not evil drugs GIVEN TO SOLVE THE SYMPTOM AND TO MAINTAIN  A SLAVE.

I visited underground caves and archeological tombs and I have seen and meet people from other worlds, some are fake others are real, all these places contain lots of  natural radiation accumulated and sealed.  I had to cover all my original artifacts with black natural fiber so I could keep PROTECTED FROM RADIATION, when I was attacked, I healed myself with natural medication, being vegetarian and eating only organics plus the fact that I dressed in black 4 almost 11 years, plus the fact that I used, chromotherapy, music, natural medication in form of organic foods and drinks to heal me totally, you can do it too, the cost it is only consciousness and respect 4 all that is, thanks 4 visiting my site, real love and beauty are the only answer to the actual corrupted human world.


